Colleen in Bliss

Colleen in Bliss

Friday, April 17, 2015

I never understood Bob Dylan. Both because my parents were into him (so I wasn’t) and also because I could never understand what he said. But after reading this article- I get it. The reason he is such a well-respected legend is because of his complete and utter devotion to music.

Dylan wrote songs and sang songs just for the love of it. Not because he was looking for anything or had a goal in mind.

When is the last time you did something for the pure love of it? Not looking for a result or something in return?

The Bhagavad Gita states:
“You have a right to your actions,
But never to your actions fruits.
Act for actions sake.
And do not be attached to inaction.”

In our society is seems like a lot of our daily actions are to get something in return.  Either money, approval, or a pat on the back. But in many ways our asana practice and our pranayama practice are empty of promises. (Even though the Hatha Yoga Pradipika promises that if you practice Nadi Shodana for 3 months all of your 72,000 energy channels will be cleansed ;) ) We still don’t know until we put in the work and find out for ourselves. The practice is not easy. It holds a mirror up and sometimes we don’t like what we see. 

Can you still stay on the path when the road gets rocky?
Can you commit to helping a friend when there is nothing in it for you?
Can you explore each asana without looking for sensation?
I don’t think Bob Dylan looked for approval or affirmation from anyone. He just acted on his dharma; which was singing and writing songs.  He has earned the respect and admiration of many for this reason.
-          Jamie Lugo

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