Colleen in Bliss

Colleen in Bliss

From Colleen and Rodney

Dear Advanced Teacher Trainees,
Last Sunday night after our weekend together, Colleen and I sat under the stars basking in the advent of Spring and feeling delighted at the depth of your inquiry during the training. Understand contentment and yet forge into the new day. Hopefully, working on Maha Mudra made you aware of the daily work that you must pursue. Keep coming to your practice with genuine questions, and practice with an open mind in the face of confusion to pierce deeply the "liver" of your intrigue.
We encourage you to utilize the teacher training blog/website that Linda set up to communicate with us and each other.  Every time we get on the site, we are fascinated and in awe of Linda's support.  In that spirit, we are posting this month’s homework on the blog, so you have to go there!  Also, we want each of you to post your Bob Dylan spiritual teaching on the site, since we didn’t have time to share them all last weekend.  
Get on your mat and get to the pranayama bolster.
Hope to see you in class before our next training weekend!
Peace and uninhibited breath.
Rodney and Colleen

Dear Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainees,What a delight this last weekend was with you all.  We are so pleased by your attention and your dedication.  You might feel overwhelmed at this point by how much we all don’t know, and if you're not, you should be!  We may be two steps ahead of you, but we too, on an every day basis, feel the vastness of the subject.  Hopefully we inspired you to practice every day and to examine the things we have gone over.  Remember: 10,000 hours, 10,000 times, 10,000 thoughts,  10,000 prayers … and then remember this is all secret!   (if you don’t get the joke, you weren’t there!)Namaste, Colleen and Rodney
Feb 2015

 Advanced Teacher Trainers,

This weekend was a sheer pleasure for us to take the next step in sharing the deeper yoga knowledge with people who are passionate about the art.  Please be overwhelmed, like we constantly are, by the vast subject of Yoga. You all provided such inspiration for us as teachers-- you came prepared and open.  Please work consistently, creatively, and cooperatively. Many of the lessons we are highlighting require working in pairs or groups, so figure out how you are going to make these meetings take place.  Touch and do manual adjustments all of the time by scheduling more assisting and practicing with friends and family. "One continuous mistake" is our mantra for the month with the undercurrent of the thought of 10,000 hours.  Every day- pranayama, every day- asana, every day- teaching, every day- sequencing, and every day- manual adjusting.

Welcome to your yoga family for the next four months,
Rodney and Colleen

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