Colleen in Bliss

Colleen in Bliss

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bob Dylan speech-how it inspired me, Sarah Halweil

Be grateful for all of my teachers and interactions even if its not obvious that the person or event of the moment is teaching me. Pause and listen, even when it is challenging. What I am practicing, expressing, and creating does not come from a vacuum, it is inspired by influences of the past and present-all of my teachers. 

Do what inspires me no matter what others think. Practice, practice, practice. 

Its like what Roshi Joan Halifax says, “when you attach to the outcome, usually, the path is not realized and the path can be harmful.” Bob Dylan played and practice because he was inspired not because he was focused on a goal. 

Dont judge the the type of voice but rather the truth that it is speaking-Bob Dylan

Life is short, even on its longest days-John Cougar Mellencamp. 

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