Colleen in Bliss

Colleen in Bliss

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bob Dylan Talk

A lot of people I know in this town are in major life transitions right now. Really big changes are going on all around us.


Perhaps you're in a state of flux, too.

And one of the things that has been of comfort is that while you think you're way off the path -- that's usually when we get scared -- perhaps you've been on the path all along. Perhaps this is the path right now.


Can we trust that it might all be ok?


Bob Dylan recently gave a speech in which he mentioned the trajectory of his life. I'm not sure he could have given that speech at any other point in his life, for you need to be able to have hindsight to get that metaphorical 20/20 vision.

Times always change. They really do.  

And his advice was to just keep doing it all. Perhaps, you just show up and trust that it might all be ok. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sarah for the just "showing up" confirmation- makes it a lot easier to get involved with activities I sometimes question :-)
