Colleen in Bliss

Colleen in Bliss

Friday, March 27, 2015

     Two quotes from the Dylan article, both on the same plane, were very impactful for me.
When explaining how he learned to write lyrics (from listening to other lyrics which he even references) he said: "Everything belongs to everyone." and later, "I opened up a door in a different kind of way.  It's just different, saying the same thing."
    Dylan strikes me as  a man who has done his svadhyaya "homework." Here is this legend, who, when doing his own reading, his own self-study, recognizes the awareness of himself as a tiny part of a universal consciousness.  By extension,  we all share successes and failures, talents and self doubts, strengths and weaknesses, confidence and anxiety.  It is our way of expressing them that is uniquely ours.  Same doors, different way of opening. 

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